Foresight Directory

Alioune Sall

Individual South Africa, East and South Africa

Alioune Sall, who was born in Senegal in 1951, holds a Ph.D. in Sociology. He was regional coordinator for the National Long Term Perspective Studies project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) from 1997 to 2003 in Abidjan and is a recognized specialist in prospective foresight in Africa. He is Executive Director of the African Futures Institute (AFI), the pan-African think tank he founded in Pretoria (South Africa) in 2003 and, as an expert, supports a number of prospective foresight programs launched in various countries. He has edited several collective publications, which include, with Jacques Giri, Africa 2025: What Possible Futures for Sub-Saharan Africa? (Unisa Press, Pretoria, 2003).

Operating in:
South Africa
