Discover records
This section is designed to help you navigate by region. You can choose to show or hide visualisations including the map and summary graphs. Clicking on the map will filter the table. Filtering the table will update the map and have fun.
Map and regional breakdown
You can explore this map by clicking on the bubbles in the map. Please note, the first time you click this will focus on the region. You can then click again to focus in on the specific country.
Number of entries by region
Include operating countries
North America | United States of America | Other | ||||
North America | United States of America | |||||
Latin America and the Caribbean | Chile | |||||
Europe | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | |||||
Latin America and the Caribbean | Mexico | |||||
East and South Africa | Kenya | NGO / Civil Society Organization | ||||
East and South Africa | Botswana | Company / Private Sector | ||||
Oceania | Australia | |||||
Asia | India | |||||
Latin America and the Caribbean | Brazil | |||||
Latin America and the Caribbean | Mexico | |||||
East and South Africa | South Africa | Company / Private Sector | ||||
Asia | Malaysia | |||||
All Tomorrow's Futures
Oceania | Australia | ||||
North America | United States of America | Other | ||||
Asia | Thailand | Academia | ||||
Middle East and North Africa | Armenia | NGO / Civil Society Organization | ||||
Oceania | New Zealand | |||||
Europe | Netherlands | |||||
Europe | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | |||||
Europe | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Academia | ||||
The Future Game
Europe | Russian Federation | ||||
East and South Africa | South Africa | |||||
West and Central Africa | Cabo Verde | Company / Private Sector | ||||
Asia | India |